Alternative lyrics for ME
This is my arrangement of Blowin' in the Wind with alternative lyrics, performed by ME patients and their carers from around the world. ...

The Late Effects of ME
http://www.poliosurvivorsnetwork.org.uk/archive/lincolnshire/library/dowsett/lateeffectsme.html This study is dated for 2001 but it still...

Cognitive problems 4 Children
Cognitive Problems In Children And Adolescents With ME https://youtu.be/UJbU4KRmQOw Cognitive problems such as with short-term memory,...

Merryn Crofts
Released by Merryn's Family. Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5569091/Woman-dies-aged-21-weighing-just-six-stone-wast...

RISK ASSESSMENT IN VERY SEVERE ME It is a massive risk for anyone with Severe ME to let any medical professional into their life. Our...

MEAI = ME Advocates Ireland
Sunday, 28 January 2018 "Doctors, please learn how to correctly diagnose me..." Presentation by Joan Byrne http://meadvocatesireland.blog...

Esther Crawley claims harassment
A controversial researcher into treatments for ME/CFS claims she is being harassed by patients, but university’s official records don’t...

Resources & Info for Dr's
We all owe a huge thank you to Colleen for the amount of work put into this list. Started May 2014 and updated as needed....

Secret Files until 2071
The Medical Research Council’s Secret Files on ME/CFS It is an established fact that the MRC has a secret file on ME that contains...

M.E. Signs & Symptoms - Guideline
Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (M.E.) has been recognised by the World Health Organisation since 1969 as a distinct organic neurological...