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Help Bente

This stem cell treatment is a reset of the immune system. The stem cells will repair all damage that the body has sustained in recent years.

"I always thought that I would become a psychologist, singer or musical star. And if that would not work, I also saw a writer or makeup artist. I saw my future shining brightly in front of me. Bringing myself to my dreams radiantly, despite my fluctuating health. I kept telling myself that it would be over. That I would find the right doctor who could help me. But I would never have taken into account the fact that I would become seriously ill. That my life would look like this: 24/7 bedridden, in a dark, quiet room and nine times out of ten sick to receive a visit, I would never have seen it coming. "- Bente's words she wrote for an article in Subway.

Bente is sick, very sick. She has a severe form of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis: a neuro-immunological multisystem disease. In addition, Lyme disease has been detected in Germany. Both diseases affect everything in the body. From the organs and cells to all systems and the nervous system. She also has severe POTS, hypotension, Fibromyalgia and a lot of other things that come from a bad working immune system.

Bente has known many periods of illness from a young age. It started before she was one year old with many ear infections and soon she also got Asthma. She picked up every virus that prevailed. And where every other child was normally sick for a few days, Bente usually took much longer. The GP said to us: "Get used to it, Bente is very susceptible, so she will continue to pick up everything that goes on for the rest of her life." Of course you do not want to hear this as parents, so we were hoping he would not be right would have. Unfortunately he had that in here ..

In group five Bente got a form of Epstein-Barr where she was very sick for almost a whole year. And in class three of high school she got the disease of Pfeiffer. Again long-term and very ill. It was as if she had everything in tenfold. From this moment on she has never been completely "old" again. She kept on muddling and started to feel sicker. Everything cost her more and more.

You saw a radiant, lively and energetic child turn into a child that did her utmost to keep standing, despite the frequent illness. Eventually, she went from VWO 5 to Havo 5 because she was absent for the greater part of the year due to illness. Yet she graduated, worked on her passion singing, started a HBO study Social Pedagogical Assistance and had a job. She continued on pure willpower until she really could not.

In these years and years later she became increasingly ill and all kinds of shortages and chronic cavity inflammations were observed. When this was completed and she was operated on, this helped her for a while, but soon it did not work anymore. We saw our child getting worse.

Shortly after, Bente was diagnosed with ME. When she was so ill that she did not manage to go to school anymore, to meet her friends and she could do nothing else than spend her days on the couch, we opted for a rehabilitation program that was recommended for this illness. In good spirits and with the intention to go to the Kleinkunst Academy when she was better, she started the treatment. She entered this process on foot and ended up in a wheelchair prematurely. In retrospect, we were told that this treatment is very serious may have consequences in the ME disease. Her health went after this treatment fast backwards.

In the meantime, she has received several other diagnoses such as Lyme disease, severe POTS, Epstein-Barr for the third time and a lot of other viruses and bacteria. Bente has seen a lot of specialists, but good treatments have unfortunately failed. Everything we tried made her sick or did nothing at all. And there we are now. Fully bedridden and in a dark and quiet room. Every form of effort and every stimulus makes her sicker. Bente lives not, she survives.

But Bente would not be Bente if she did not look for solutions. Despite everything, she is still positive, hopeful and above all determined to heal. And so we came to a stem cell treatment in Frankfurt. A lot of success stories and companions that you will see looking back after years sick to have been. This looks like a bright spot at the end of a long one tunnel.

Bente actually knew immediately that she wanted this. Or rather must. She has so many dreams and she misses the people around her so much. She wants to get out of bed and start living! The situation, the pain and how terribly sick she feels, is becoming increasingly unbearable.

This stem cell treatment is a reset of the immune system. The stem cells will repair all damage that the body has sustained in recent years.

DAG 4: We zijn in totaal al over de €29.000 heen! Ik had dit nooit durven dromen.. Écht heel bijzonder, dank jullie wel ♡ ♡ ♡


Of direct via: IBAN: NL63 RABO 0331 81 87 52 ten name van B.A. Kubin

Ten slotte: voel je niet verplicht, we realiseren ons heel goed dat het niet in ieders vermogen ligt om te doneren. Met delen van de actie help je ons ook enorm..

Day 4: we are in total already over the € 29.000! I never dared to dream this.. really very special, thank you so much ♡ ♡ ♡ ————————————— Donate can via: Or directly via: Iban: Nl63 Rabo 0331 81 87 52 in particular from B.A., Finally: do not feel obliged, we realize very well that it is not in everyone's ability to donate. With parts of the action you also help us huge.. #HELPBENTE #MagicEveryday


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