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Karina Hansen news + a battle with NICE (the UK’s National Institute for Health and Care Excellence)

NOTE: a brief personal update

Last year I went to live abroad. I wrote about this change in my February 2017 post PAUSE-REVIEW-REFLECT: towards a bigger picture? [revised version . As of September 2018, I am now UK-based again. While I was away, I continued my work assisting and advising members of the international myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) community, in addition to the general research work which I have been doing for many years, some of which is reflected in this blog. My work goes on although it remains severely limited by health problems (I have lived with ME since 1981).]


On 26 September 2018, a further court hearing took place in the case of Karina Hansen. Karina is a young Danish woman with severe ME who was forcibly removed from her family home by the state authorities and confined to an institution as a de facto psychiatric patient for three and a half years. She was eventually allowed to return home in October 2016. However, the local court had appointed a guardian in her case, because of misplaced concerns regarding her capacity to make decisions about her own health and finances.

This recent court hearing was to determine whether or not the guardian should continue in his role or be discharged by the court. As often happens at court, the matter was adjourned until 10 October. Hopefully, there will be a final determination on the case then.

For full details and the background to Karina’s story, see my previous post at Karina Hansen 8 (updated): the aftermath continues The full list of articles about Karina can be found in the Karina Hansen category in the sidebar of this blog.

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